Please join the South Florida Manufacturer Association for their 34th Golf Tournament. You can register as an individual player, foursome, or just attend lunch.
2021 Golf Tournament Details:
Date: March 7, 2022
Time (s):
8:00 a.m.: Registration Opens and Breakfast is served
9:00 a.m.: Shotgun Start
Format: Shotgun Start, 4-person Scramble
All-in-Registration Fee: All-inclusive of tournament and golf fee, driving range, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on course, 2 mulligans and 10 raffle tickets. No more nickels and dimes are needed on course!
Awards: Hole-in-One Challenge, Awards for Closest-to-Pin and Longest Drive, Beat the Past Chairman, and Top 3 Teams.
Scholarship Awards
Luncheon: Approximately 1:00 p.m., prizes awarded and Cash Bar open
2021 Golf Tournament Pricing:
Member Individual Player: $275
Member Foursome: $1000
Non-Member Individual Player: $330
Non-Member Foursome: $1200
Member Non-player (Lunch Only): $50
Non-Member Non-Player (Lunch Only): $75
Golf Bag Items
Want your logo in the golf bag?
Sponsorships Details: Click here